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The French Conference on the Cultural Creative Center of Shenyang


The France-Pole-Ruis Cultural Center Planning and Execution in Shenyang (Shenhe District), France Scene Press Conference.

The press conference was chaired by Zhao Ge, Director of the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce. Lü Zhicheng, Deputy Secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Shenyang Municipal Government, Jeanne D’HAUTESERRE, Mayor of the Eighth District of Paris, Gilles Henry Garault, Chairman of the French National Industrial Promotion Association, Li Wenguo, Chief Representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in France, and Louis LIU, Minister of the International Projects Department of the Île-de-France Economic Development Agency, and more than a hundred guests from various sectors of China and France attended the event.

The purpose of this event is to establish a long-term Sino-European trade and cooperation platform.

With the construction of the « National Cultural Export Base » in Shenhe District as its foundation, the aim is to create the Shenyang Cultural and Creative Center, and to assist Shenhe District in integrating finance, commerce, tourism, and other fields and industries, achieving deep integration and diversified development with « culture » as the carrier. Simultaneously, through this platform, it aims to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Shenhe District and France in cultural industries, innovation and entrepreneurship, cultural exhibitions, and other fields, jointly promoting cultural and economic investment, achieving mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, and common development.

Yanghe Exhibition